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2003-02-18 - 6:16 p.m.

Public opinion doesn't exist when no final decision can be made. People will follow as long as they don't have to give....

Is pride nothing more...holidays, sex, drinking. and over eating? It seems the only thing people share is fear....the only relative thing that is....Would life be worth living if the only pride people in government had was the ability to breathe on their own.

Emotions are inter-active, emotions such as bitterness, envies, fits of anger, discouragement in a person analyzing the one feels most be a good way to tell the weather...Total rule: these arejust a few strange things on my mind.....? now who would read this...aren't feeling abstract? If you ate tainted food, you'd feel the need to be attended by a doctor.

showing equality isn't the same as respect. Time doesn't stand still. To show pride isn't to show equality..

Scriptures say lyou must not convent your neighbors ass, wife or anything. What is a threat to world security? Religion? Race? Intellect? Simple-mindness? My Personel problem?

Conceiving the reasoning of ideas, ideals

Perceiving of inter-changing of reason..

Or, what is it?

I am working on another day!

Is there someone suppressing both man and GOD?

In Light of the ansszzzzzz

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