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2003-03-14 - 7:31 p.m.

My weblogger event was cancelled...I have been a bad mood for days anyway...

Culture and prejudice

a basic set of shared as a nationality of people (not a matter of age?)

Is this awaking mocking or chasing down the street...I mean really...

Would life worth living if the only pride people in government had was the ability to breathe on their own.

What are human rights...the night is well along....the voice of the bridegroom? how is the weather? wmotions are inter-active, emotions such as......with this on my mind can a person even ?watch tv....time doesn't stand still...showing wquality isn't the same as respect. Time doesn't stand still. To show pride isn't to show equality...CAN I wait till the morning to go the Kmart?

Perceiving of inter-changing of reason

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