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2004-05-25 - 9:09 a.m.

"Thank You" is this what you said when your opportunity worked out.

Do you have a recruit who "Thanks you" for offering him an opportunity?

Do you thank some one every day?

You didn't make a sale today. Life is a cycle. You and your downline are part of a whole.

There is a duty to your downline.

How much do samples cost?

Offer them to some one to try.

say "Thank You"

and give them your business card.

You've thanked someone!!!

All things being equal..your able to offer support...

Owning your own business..of course you "Thank You", someone everyday..

That's what you decided when you took on the responsibilty.

You are your own Boss!

Live your life as a "to do list"

So that each day you have many "Thank you " planned.

Is your planner filled with lots of scheduled events to say "Thank You"?

That conference call is a scheduled "Thank You".

You'll never run out of things to do..You'll be looking for ways to say"thank you"

with each opportunity.

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